As a casual competitive player, I started Poké VG Analysis as a beginner project which would allow me to formally create Pokémon content. I have played for a few years, and have devoted countless hours to all sorts of aspects of the game; from shiny hunting to breeding to team building. I have remained up-to-date on the metagame and its mechanics, and so this site will reflect these updates.
Hey There!
As one could expect, to be a successful comeptitive player (the kind that tops tournaments) is not all that easy. There's a good chance that you are not looking to top VGC Worlds, or even Nationals for that matter. Most likely, you just want to be good enough to compete when playing online and with your friends. And so, this site will be somewhat easy for even a beginner to understand. The Pokémon profiles featured under the Featured Sets section are set up with reasoning as to why/how they work, with dictionaries on what common terms mean.
With some of the sets featured on this sites, you can take them into online battle simultors, and by simply typing the values into Pokémon Showdown your Pokémon is ready. It is wisest to bring them into Showdown before you create them in your personal game in order to make any adjustments as you see fit. You can also look up other sets the featured Pokémon runs in order to compare what you would like to run, such as on Smogon. With the Competitive Rulings page, you can view explanations of tiers and rulings on weather conditions, moves, items, abilities, and combos which you may encounter in the game. These rulings are crucial to understand; a lack of knowledge on them in some cases can even cost you a game so take time to familiarize yourself with them.